How to Manage a Survey From  Dashboard


As an administrator, your ProProfs Survey Maker dashboard displays all the surveys you've created and the ones assigned to you by other administrators. You can manage these surveys right from your dashboard with easy access to many important functions such as editing, setting, drafting/publishing, copying, and deleting.


The screenshot below shows these options appear when you hover the cursor over a survey in the List view.


Manage survey


Let's understand each of these options in detail:




The Edit option opens a survey for editing and customization. This is also where you create a survey. From giving a name to the survey, adding questions, images, to customizing survey themes, you can do everything. Below is an example of a survey editing screen:


Edit survey




Settings enable you to have complete control over your survey. You can decide the sequence of survey questions, what to include in survey reports, the number of times a survey can be taken, work on its social media settings, just to name a few. The screenshot below shows all the tabs available under the settings - General, Security, Scoring, Notifications, Theme, Integrations, Social Media, and Advanced.


survey settings




You can switch the status of a survey between Draft and Publish. In case you are working on a survey or simply do not want it to be available to your users, keep it in draft mode. Just click on the Draft/Publish button to switch between the two. When the survey is in draft mode, it is labeled Draft, as shown in the screenshot below.


publish a survey




Create a copy of a survey either for yourself or for other instructors. Clicking Copy opens the following pop-up window that lets you choose between the two. To make a survey copy for yourself, simply give a title for the copy and hit Create Survey. This copy will only be visible on your dashboard.


copy survey


In case you want to create a survey copy for other administrators, click Make a copy for another instructor >> Title of new (duplicate) survey >> select instructor(s) and hit Create Survey. In this case, the survey copy will only be visible to the other administrator for whom you've created the copy and not to you. That administrator has complete ownership of the survey copy (they can even delete it if they want).


copy survey




As an administrator, you can delete the surveys that you've created. You cannot delete any survey that is created by another administrator but assigned to you. Also, if you're the super admin, you have access to all the surveys regardless of their creators, and can delete any survey you want.


That is all about managing surveys from your dashboard.



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