How to Enable Page Navigation in Surveys


Enabling page navigation functionality in your surveys allows respondents to progress to the next question while also having the option to revisit previous questions using the "Prev" and "Next" buttons. On the other hand, disabling navigation functionality limits respondents to only move forward to the next question and restricts their ability to revisit previous questions.


Navigation works in the following situations:


1. When a survey is presented in the format of "One Question Per Page."

2. When there's a Page Break between questions.


Here's what a survey with page navigation setting enabled will look like:


Navigation between pages setting enabled



To Enable the Page Navigation in a Survey


1. Go to Survey Settings.


Open settings of a survey


2. In the General tab, enable Navigation Between Pages and ensure the Question Per Page is set to One.


Configure Navigation Between Pages setting of a Survey


Once done, click Save.


When you preview the survey, you'll see the Prev (Previous) option in a survey to go back to the previous questions.


Navigation in online surveys


When the Navigation Between Pages setting is disabled. You only get the Next option to proceed in a survey. You cannot go back to any previous question.


Navigation disabled in online surveys


That is all about enabling navigation in surveys. 



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