Different Question Types for Surveys and What They Mean


Surveys are designed to garner feedback from specific customers and website visitors, depending on your requirements. With ProProfs, you can build surveys for a variety of purposes using 21 different types of questions.


Each question type helps you gain insights into your customer experiences. Some also intend to generate leads by prompting the survey takers to enter their details.


The question types can be accessed on the Manage Survey screen when editing a survey, as shown in the screenshot below:


Question types in survey


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Listed below are 21 question types you can use to create surveys:



Let’s take a look at what each question type means:


Multiple Choice

The Multiple Choice question type consists of several answers, and only one can be selected. However, a survey usually intends to understand customer preferences and doesn’t necessarily seek the correct answer from the available choices. For example:


Multiple choice question




The Checkbox question type also has multiple answers to choose from. In this case, though, you can select more than one answer.


Checkbox question


Choose from List


Choose from List is similar to a multiple-choice question, but the answers are in a dropdown list. Click the dropdown to expand the List and select one answer.


Choose from list question




The Email question type prompts the survey taker to provide their email ID.


email question



The Name question type prompts the survey taker to enter their name.




Rating Scale

The Rating Scale question type uses expressive graphics, such as emoticons and stars, to understand how happy or dissatisfied survey takers are. You can also use “Yes/No” and thumbs up/down as possible responses.


Rating scale


NPS Scale

The NPS Scale is a question type that is responded to using a rating scale. For example, you can ask, “How likely are you to recommend this company to a friend or colleague?” The survey taker can respond on a rating scale you defined.


NPS scale




The Button question type gives the survey taker a minimum of two choices. For example, “Yes/No” and “True/False.” It can be used to ask direct questions like “Would you recommend our product to your friend?” or “Does our product serve your purpose?” 

You can even create a rating question by adding more than two options.


Button question


Thank You Page


This page is displayed as an appreciation message when the survey taker submits the survey.


Thank you page




Use the Ranking question type to prompt survey takers to rank three or more available options.


Ranking question



The Text Box question type is customizable for a variety of responses. For example, you can create a “single line” text box question to request short product feedback from the survey taker or specific info such as the phone number. You can also create a “multiple-line” text box question for detailed feedback. For responses that require separate text boxes such as the name, email, address, etc., you can create a “multiple-box” text box question.


You can even customize the question to accept either numeric or alphanumeric inputs, such as the phone number, pin code, etc., which help you prevent survey takers from entering any junk characters.


Here’s an example of a Text Box question.


Textbox question




The Slider question type enables survey takers to provide ratings on a slider scale. This question type lets you define where the cursor remains by default (Left, Center, or Right). You can also customize the scale. Instead of keeping it 0-100, you may want to keep it 0-10 or 0-50.


Slider question




Use this question type when you’d like to get back to the survey taker at their convenience. You can request that they enter their preferred date and time.


Date and time



The Selfie question does exactly what it sounds like. It allows users to upload their selfies in a survey. Users also get the freedom to either share a selfie or upload an image from their photo library.


This question is helpful, especially for businesses, since they can use the ProProfs Survey to request customers to share their product/service experience, where the selfie question also captures their photo that they can use along with the testimonial on their website.


You can use this to seek employee feedback as well. When it comes to the application of this question type, the sky is the limit.


Selfie question


Grid of Choices


The Grid of Choices question type consists of options arranged in rows and columns. The survey taker selects a single option from each column, and they collectively answer the main question.


Grid of choices question




As the name suggests, it is intended to provide some instructions to the user, such as pre-quiz instructions on terms and conditions, rules, etc.


Instructions in survey




This question type prompts the survey taker to enter their phone number.


Phone question in survey




This is obvious - the Address question type prompts the user to enter their address.


Address in survey




This question type allows the survey takers to draw their responses. Survey takers can either type out or draw their name and finish it by providing information such as the date, place, first name, email, job title, and company.


Draw responses in a survey




The Upload question type enables the survey takers to upload a file—for example, a screenshot describing an error encountered while using the software.


upload file

Record Video


The Record Video question allows your survey takers to answer questions by recording a video in real time. They can even upload a previously recorded video file.


Record video question


That's all about different question types in ProProfs surveys. By selecting the appropriate question types, you can enhance participant engagement and obtain meaningful insights tailored to your specific research needs.



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